Az学院响应式登陆页面模板,现代,干净 & mobile-friendly landing page, It comes with 4 sections: Header - About us - Program - Testimonials & “og体育”部分,模板为...


对于每个公司来说,转换到在线格式是至关重要的. 用户可以非常方便地查看您的服务, information, 并在自己舒适的家中提供服务.

那么问题来了——如何创建一个在线平台? 有不同的选择. For example, 雇佣一个网络开发人员来设计你的项目或转向组织, 该地块将在哪里开发, 提供技术支持和建议. But these services are not cheap, so if you need a budget option — there is another way out.

这是利用旅游登录页面模板. 它们的主要特点是价格低廉, at which you still get a quality product with a good-looking and modern website.



  1. Dropdown Menu. 它组织应用程序的导航结构. 也就是说,客户机更容易浏览门户.
  2. Admin Panel. 它允许控制项目设置, 添加新页面和删除旧页面, 更改资源的外观, and editing content.
  3. HTML 5. It proposes a standardized description of audiovisual material embedded in portals because media content is an integral code component.
  4. Parallax. 背景中的元素比前面的元素移动得慢, 产生深度效果, 用户在网站上是很愉快的.



In fact, 这些设计是适用于开发人员的通用产品, web designers, and business owners or managers of the company for which the platform is being built. 对于新进入市场的人, 旅行着陆是一个发表声明的机会, 而对于利基市场的领导者来说——巩固自己的地位. 

所以如果你的行业与旅游相关, vacation planning, tourism, 那么这些商品对你来说再合适不过了. They have everything you need for a travel agency — blocks with information about you, one-click booking, 带有旅游选择的街区, etc.


Of course, 创建一个互联网资源最好是信任一个专业人士, but if you do not have that capability but have the knowledge and experience in designing pages. 您可以按照以下步骤自行建立网站:

  1. 选择合适的模板. It should blend in with the concept of your business and have everything you require for your agency.
  2. Customization. You can edit components, add vibrant photos, videos, change the text, 导航栏的位置, etc.
  3. If necessary, choose a CMS, such as WordPress, Joomla, OpenCart, Shopify, and others. 它们使管理和配置页面变得更加容易.
  4. Get a domain. 这是访问者访问该网站时使用的网站名称. 专门的公司提供这样的服务——你找一家合适的, register, 决定一个免费的名字并购买它.
  5. Purchase hosting. This is a service of storing information on your site and its uninterrupted supply to users. 这里的操作是一样的——找到供应商,选择一个计划,然后付钱.




There is a huge range of opportunities to edit and customize the site after downloading/buying it — creating mega menus, web headers, 和页脚与您自己的风格, 灵活地设置无限的页面布局, 还有集成页面类型, wide designs, unlimited color schemes, many fonts, icons, responsive extension, and retina graphics — all web elements can be established and set free and without limits.


Yes, 这意味着当从任何屏幕类型观看时, 无论是智能手机, computer, or tablet, 页面调整并保持令人愉悦的设计.


According to the rules, 产品是一次性的, 在多个项目中, 你必须为每个主题分别购买一个主题.

Can I contact technical support if I have trouble with travel landing page templates?

If you have the premium version, lifetime technical support is available to you. 不幸的是,对于免费版本,这个功能是不可用的.

How to Create a Tours and Travels Landing Page That Converts - Tips by Templateog体育首页

观看有关最热门趋势的有用视频 & 旅游登陆页创建技巧. 用我们的指南建立一个转换的旅游登陆页面. It's perfect for travel agencies, travel bloggers, tourist shops one-page websites.