Best Education & Books Admin Dashboard Templates

管理仪表板对于公司监视其业务操作是必不可少的. It provides a centralized location for all the important data, metrics, and reports a company needs to know about its performance. Besides, 控制面板提供了对组织内部流程的洞察,并且经常被管理层用于决策目的. And being an educational or training facility, you too need this tool to visually represent data, track performance, and make strategic decisions. Hence, your backend should be as easy to use. This is where education & books admin dashboard templates come in.

使用预制仪表板设计的原因有很多. 首先,它们提供了后端用户界面的可视化表示. 它们还为您提供了组织数据的空间,以便易于理解和破译. Equally important, these templates are developer-friendly. They allow you to place your data intuitively and quickly. It is what you need when managing an educational institution.

Who Can Benefit from Using E-Learning Admin Panel Templates?

教育管理小组设计对于负责实施内容和评估其有效性的电子学习计划的人员非常有用. 特别地,这些样品用于各种目的,例如:

  • kindergartens,
  • schools,
  • colleges,
  • universities,
  • online classes,
  • libraries,
  • book stores,
  • tuition study materials.

If you were to start from scratch, 为你的教育设计和开发一套漂亮的资产可能需要几天或几周的时间 & books platform. Therefore, 这些主题的主要好处是,它们可以帮助您节省时间,因为您不必自己设计后端(或雇用开发人员)以使其方便. You can customize themes with modes, styles, modules, etc., to suit your needs.

These assets, all in all, 是为了帮助您为您的电子学习平台创建管理仪表板吗. 它们易于使用,并附带一系列功能,您可以根据自己的需要轻松定制.

How to Edit Education & Books Admin Dashboard Design for my Website or App?

网站仪表板设计是网站管理员登录到你的网站(应用程序)界面时看到的第一件事. It's like the first impression of a company. It should be user-friendly, easy to customize, and informative.


  1. Step 1: Install a template you downloaded from the marketplace.
  2. Step 2: Customize a header and sidebar (e.g., make it fixed, collapsible, dropdown, etc.).
  3. 步骤3:配置UI工具包(警报、按钮/图标、排版、模态、栏和选项卡).
  4. Step 4: Tailor forms, tables, and charts.
  5. 步骤5:定制页面(404/500、登录、注册、锁屏等.), including the extra ones (invoice, FAQ, timeline, etc.).
  6. 步骤6:通过添加插件和小部件、导入内容和设置SEO来完成项目.
  7. Step 7: Try it out!


Education & 对于任何涉及创建后端用户界面的项目,图书管理面板几乎都是必需的. 然而,有时人们会对如何为他们的项目选择最好的软件感到困惑. 以下是为您的站点或应用程序选择最佳选项的一些指导性问题.

  • 你的用户群在地理上是分散的吗?你的项目应该是多语言的吗?
  • Do you need lots of auth pages?
  • 您是否需要为您的应用程序或网站创建许多自定义数据输入表单?
  • Do you need a dark mode?
  • Should it be responsive?
  • 一个示例将为站点/应用程序创建多少个仪表板?

Once you've answered these questions, 您可以继续为您的项目找到最好的演示管理面板.

Education & Books Admin Panel Templates FAQ


There are three types of licenses you're offered:

  • 个人许可证允许您在一个个人(非商业)的网站上使用主题, nonresaleable) project only.
  • 商业许可允许您在五个网站或应用程序上使用它,您可以免费转售和分发.
  • 营业执照将使您能够创建多达50个可转售的项目.

这些许可证的价格取决于您是什么类型的用户——您是否只需要自己使用它,或者您是否希望将来可以选择在商业上使用它. 然而,要记住的一件重要的事情是,你不能按原样出售购买的资产. You may only sell and market them as part of the final product.

Where to find education & 图书管理仪表板模板更便宜,如果我是一个老客户?

If you are a regular customer, 成为og体育首页ONE会员更便宜,并且可以免费无限下载20万多个项目. You save 35% and get new items weekly. Thus, you don't have to pay for the product you download. You pay only for the subscription. 换句话说,你可以以固定成本下载任意数量的项目.


Templateog体育首页从购买之日起提供六个月的支持. If you require an extra six months of support, 您必须购买相应的服务(在产品页面和结帐时提供).

Can a beginner edit education & books administrative panel themes?

The answer is no. These themes are not for beginners. Instead, they are intended for specialists with experience with coding, programming, or other related skills (e.g., programmers, front-end builders, and backend developers).

The Latest Design Trends for Education & Books Admin Panel Templates

了解今年最热门的电子学习管理仪表板设计趋势! 我们制作了一个信息丰富的视频,介绍了吸引每个人注意力的字体、样式和形式. Use them for kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities, and tuition study materials projects, and be on top with Templateog体育首页.